hail to the king

the king's badass turquoise heater

apparently elvis loved the cock so much he got two put in.
graceland... what can i say? this guy was the shit. everything is so decked out in great 60's technology and weird knick-knacks like a huge ceramic monkey and dual peacock stained glass windows. and heavy shag carpet on everything - walls and ceilings included. also, there was a lounge area with three tvs going (elvis liked to watch triple-tv cuz he heard lyndon johnson was fond of the practice) and one of them was playing dr. strangelove for some reason. i had hoped i could just walk around the area and not go inside (ie. free), but i had to take the tour to see anything good, so there goes 25 bucks. but it was so worth it. also, i wanted to pick up something at the gift shop, but everything is ridiculously priced. however, theres like a shitty bargain elvis store down the road (elvis presley boulevard that is) at which i got a mug and an ashtray for three dollars. anyway, after the tour i was walking around taking pictures and a new zealander approached me to ask if id like him to take one of me. i figured i wasnt supposed to say no, so now i have a cheesy and poorly framed picture of me standing in a walkway. then he made me take a picture of him with his camera. it was a real give-and-take situation. when we were done taking pictures, we both ended up walking back to our cars, which were like 500 feet away and right next to each other. he went first, so he might have thought i was following him. it was awkward.
in other news, this is the first place ive been where ive seen some 'fugees. lots of louisiana and alabama and mississippi license plates around. one of them asked me for change and i gave him 75 cents. now im part of the relief effort i guess. id like to give money to the red cross, but im pretty strapped now. plus, gas is now aboot 20% more expensive than i had anticipated, and i need a lot of it. poor me.
Long Live the King Baby!
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