
me, angel, rob, and bagel on the front steps of hartranft hall, where we all lived and met in summer '96.
ok. here we go...
tonight i find myself in lexington kentucky, worrying aboot some stupid weather system. but let's backtrack a couple days for the moment. i had intended to post every day, but i got distracted. so ill just do a brief timeline here and then pickup from where i am now.
friday- drove to beautiful penn sate university. met old friends rob, angel, and bagel, and new friend mike. as expected, we started drinking as early as possible, and continued until late. several bars followed by college pizza. one fun thing i forgot aboot psu is that every downtown night of drinking is finished by getting a slice of either acme or college pizza, both at the reasonable (and surprisingly stable) price of one dollar. thats that.
saturday- i woke up significantly earlier than everyone, so i took a walk around town. half the stuff i remembered isnt there anymore. three of four favorite record stores are gone. sad... met back up with everyone and took a bagel-guided campus tour with a brief stop at sunset park. some of my best psu memories are at that park; it was nice to see it hasnt changed much. campus is a little different - we just drove through most of it due to time and bad weather. ideally i would have liked to just walk around campus for a day, but we had to get drinking. some things are more important. we started our evening with dinner and drinks at the rathskeller, minus angel who was at a bachelorette party. food there is awesome - i would eat there every day if i could. we then went to the greatest bar ever, the phyrst. heres the recipe: cheap beer, silly band of old people singing bluegrassy songs, and tables pitted against each other in rhythmic shouting wars. awesome. the angel-attended bachelorette party ended up meeting us there. the bride apparently remembers me from when i was a student, but i could not do the same for her. she was fun and very drunk; towards the evenings end she ordered me to buy her a shot of tequila, then proceeded to throw up and leave the bar before doing the shot - so i made rob do it. the rest of the night was uneventful - closed the bar down, got college pizza again, and went to bed.
sunday aka today- woke up way earlier than everyone, which i had intended to do. had to shower and leave without saying goodbye. i would have loved to stay for breakfast and goodbyes, but i had a nine hour drive to do. so nine hours drives are fucking boring. also, i had four hours sleep after being bombed, so i got very tired and had to stop for coffee and peeing four times. but i got to lexington at 6pm. i turned on the tv to check things out and was bombarded by the most dire of storm warnings. apparently new orleans is going away forever. geraldo keeps calling the storm 'biblical in proportion'. hes a massive douche. so i went to check out lexington a little, visiting campus and the town. but it was getting dark so i picked up some dairy queen dinner and went back to my lovely baymont inn. ok, dairy queen is gross. i tried their new chili lime chicken strips, which i had been excited aboot ever since seeing the commercial (not sure why). it tasted like a vagina. anyway, im supposed to go to nashville tomorrow, which is in the extended projected storm path, so im gonna wait for tomorrow mornings news and figure it out from there. i might have to head east to avoid being blown away.
anyway, i hope to post to this daily (semi-daily?) from here on in i hope this takes less the form of a list, like this post, and more of ramblings and musings. well see how that goes. goodnight.
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