Journey Rules!

ok. this blog thing was suggested by a friend of mine. so here we go. to get anyone who may have entered the conversation a little late up to speed, im a guy who had the crazy idea of dropping out of your 'society' for a while and exploring the country by car. ill try to write here every day, unless i find it boring, in which case i will not write daily. i will amend the writing schedule in direct proportion to how interesting i find it as an activity.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

austin, tx

not much to say here yet. drove out of san antonio this morning, passed a tanger center aboot half way and had to stop to do a little shopping. actually, i had begun to notice a lack of plain t-shirts in my car/house, so thats what i was going for. then arrived in austin around noon and spent three fucking hours driving around trying to find a place for lunch. seriously. austin is remarkably frustrating for driving if youre not from around here and dont have a good map. and theres not a goddamn eatery anywhere near my hotel. i ended up settling for jack in the box (which is actually pretty good - once you get away from new england theres all these great regional drive-thru places, much more satisfying than the mcdonalds/subway variety, its one thing the new york area is truly missing - of course, i probably give more weight to this issue than the normal person because im at least half-retarded). anyway, like i said, not doing much today, ill be exploring tomorrow and friday. im gonna go get dinner at a place called threadgills, which is supposed to be quite good. thats all. by the way, its 95 degrees today. i love it.


At 7:19 PM, Blogger Keith said...

no, yes, no. wait, yes.


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